Leverage your digital footprint by distributing location-level offers with ease across Google Business Profile, Facebook and your Store Locator. This means you can post identical updates to all of your locations while offering unique and bespoke content to your customers whenever they’re searching for your different locations. Your digital presence doesn’t end at ‘clean data’ - it’s the summation of your overall digital footprint. From your SEO strategy to online visibility and ranking, reputation management and accurate & consistent data across all endpoints. But, it’s not only that. Whilst your data may be accurate and consistent, your business still needs to maintain an active online presence. That’s where Posts come in. Why? Because an active online presence means your business stays relevant and connected to its current and potential customers. As you already know, Location Bank is your single point of truth - we manage, secure, leverage, and protect your brand’s data on all the right channels. So, if your chain of quick-service restaurants has any upcoming news, special offers and events - we make it 10x easier to distribute all this content to your relevant pages. SCHEDULE EDIT CAMPAIGN PUSH TO AUDIENCE Google Business Profile Store Locator Facebook This is the perfect combination of push and pull marketing - pushing out content to consumers who are already searching for that product category. PUSH & PULL REPORTING PROMOTIONS ENGAGEMENTS DISTRIBUTION SEO Measure the effectiveness of your communication impact down to store level Promote your sales, specials, events, news and offers Engage with your customers through videos and photos Store level or regional specials easily distributed to your ‘digital storefronts’ Google upranks active listings BENEFITS POSTS